"the city that never sleeps"
Perhaps one of the youngest nations in Asia, having only gained sovereignty in 1965; however, the growth and development of the Lion City in a mere few decades, would have surpassed anyone’s imaginations. In the past years, Singapore has transformed itself into the epicenter of Asian trade, a melting pot of cultural diversity and the mecca of fashion and apparel retail.
Singapore’s uniqueness is largely shaped by its cultural diversity. Outside of its Chinese ethnic majority, the country also hosts a large population of Malays, Indians, Eurasians, among many others, while at the same time, it plays host to a significant number of Expats from around the world, granting it the largest expat population in Asia. Alongside the culture and ethnic diversity, the country speaks a number of different languages, including English, Malay, Tamil, Mandarin as well as a number of Chinese dialects.
The development of the nation has not gone unnoticed on the world stage; despite its size, Singapore maintains a strong position as one of the most important Economies in the region, as well as hold one of the most vital port infrastructures in Asian and in the world.
Juxtaposed to the country’s booming economic infrastructure is a lifestyle that is the envy of developing and developed economies alike.
Shaped by the country’s warm climate and driven by its rich and diverse cultures, the country’s food offerings are second to none, from street food, to fine dining, from the luscious west to the exotic east, Singaporean food will satisfy any craving and at any time, night or day.
Alongside the exquisite food, comes the city’s vast array of entertainment; from the yearly F1 Grand Prix to its many bar districts, casinos and nightclubs; the options are endless.
While Singapore retailers offer some of the worlds most prestigious brands, the country also boasts a proud selection of local designers and producers. Influenced by its diverse cultures, shaped by its climate, and refined by its lifestyles; the country displays vast creativity and design, to produce garments and accessories that caters to the modern, international gentlemen that are not only exceptional in quality and design, but at the same time, functional and practical.